Section: New Results

Dependable Distributed Real-time Embedded Systems

Participants : Pascal Fradet, Alain Girault [contact person] , Emil Dumitrescu.

The TSH multi-criteria scheduling heuristic

For autonomous critical real-time embedded systems (e.g., satellite), guaranteeing a very high level of reliability is as important as keeping the power consumption as low as possible. We have designed an off-line scheduling heuristics which, from a given software application graph and a given multiprocessor architecture (homogeneous and fully connected), produces a static multiprocessor schedule that optimizes three criteria: its length (crucial for real-time systems), its reliability (crucial for dependable systems), and its power consumption (crucial for autonomous systems). Our tricriteria scheduling heuristics, TSH, uses the active replication of the operations and the data-dependencies to increase the reliability, and uses dynamic voltage and frequency scaling to lower the power consumption [17] . By running TSH on a single problem instance, we are able to provide the Pareto front for this instance in 3D, therefore exposing the user to several tradeoffs between the power consumption, the reliability and the execution time. Thanks to extensive simulation results, we have shown how TSH behaves in practice. Firstly, we have compared TSH versus an optimal Mixed Linear Integer Program on small instances; the experimental results show that TSH behaves very well compared to the the ILP. Secondly, we have compared TSH versus the ECS heuristic (Energy-Conscious Scheduling [84] ); the experimental results show that TSH performs systematically better than ECS.

This is a joint work with Ismail Assayad (U. Casablanca, Morocco) and Hamoudi Kalla (U. Batna, Algeria), who both visit the team regularly.

Automating the Addition of Fault Tolerance with Discrete Controller Synthesis

In collaboration with Emil Dumitrescu (INSA Lyon), Hervé Marchand (Vertecs team from Rennes), and Eric Rutten (Sardes team from Grenoble), we have defined a complete framework for the automatic design of fault tolerant embedded systems, based on discrete controller synthesis (DCS)  [88] . Its interest lies in the ability to obtain automatically systems satisfying by construction formal properties specified a priori. Our aim is to demonstrate the feasibility of this approach for fault tolerance. We start with a fault intolerant program, modeled as the synchronous parallel composition of finite labeled transition systems. We specify formally a fault hypothesis, state fault tolerance requirements and use DCS to obtain automatically a program having the same behavior as the initial fault intolerant one in the absence of faults, and satisfying the fault tolerance requirements under the fault hypothesis. Our original contribution resides in the demonstration that DCS can be elegantly used to design fault tolerant systems, with guarantees on key properties of the obtained system, such as the fault tolerance level, the satisfaction of quantitative constraints, and so on. We have shown with numerous examples taken from case studies that our method can address different kinds of failures (crash, value, or Byzantine) affecting different kinds of hardware components (processors, communication links, actuators, or sensors). Besides, we have shown that our method also offers an optimality criterion very useful to synthesize fault tolerant systems compliant to the constraints of embedded systems, like power consumption or execution times. In summary, our framework for fault tolerance has the following advantages  [67] :

  • The automation, because DCS produces automatically a fault tolerant system from an initial fault intolerant one.

  • The separation of concerns, because the fault intolerant system can be designed independently from the fault tolerance requirements.

  • The flexibility, because, once the system is entirely modeled, it is easy to try several fault hypotheses, several environment models, several fault tolerance goals, several degraded modes, and so on.

  • The safety, because, in case of positive result obtained by DCS, the specified fault tolerance properties are guaranteed by construction on the controlled system.

  • The optimality when optimal synthesis is used, modulo the potential numerical equalities (hence a non strict optimality). We consider weights cumulated along bounded-length paths. We have adapted our models in order to take into account the additive costs of, e.g., execution time or power consumption, and adapting synthesis algorithms in order to support the association of costs with transitions, and the handling of these new cost functions in the optimal synthesis  [59] .

We therefore combine, on the one hand, guarantees on the safety of the execution by tolerating faults, and on the other hand, guarantees on the worst cumulated consumption of the resulting dynamically reconfiguring fault tolerant system. Recently, we have incorporated multi-criteria optimization results in this work, to take into account several weight functions: for instance the execution costs of several tasks, the execution of which must be controlled thanks to DCS. We therefore propose several synthesis algorithms, to aggregate the costs into a single cost function, to hierarchize the costs (e.g., to reflect the priorities of the tasks), or to compute the Pareto front of non-dominated solutions.